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Policy Manuals / Employee Handbooks

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What Exactly is a Policy Manual?
Policy & Procedure Manuals are also often called Employee Handbooks. It is one of the most important communication tools between your company and your employees. Most top employers work to make sure the first impression for a new employee is a good one and use the handbook as an opportunity to communicate their corporate culture as well as their policies and procedures. Not only does it set forth your expectations for your employees, but it also describes what they (the employees) can expect from your company.

The inconsistent handling of different situations that arise from time to time with your employees can initiate the misconception of favoritism amongst the staff or feelings of ill will towards the management. Eliminate the need to constantly be asking your team - “How did we handle it last time?”

An Employee Handbook provides you with a medium to communicate your employment policies and expectations to your staff so that they are understood and enforceable. In the event of a dispute, or as a reference for different situations, the first place an employee will often turn to is their Employee Handbook. It is important that the information/policies are clear, current, and informative. The Employee Handbook is a great way of ensuring that your rules, policies and standards are organized - in writing - in one place.

The handbook should contain enough detail to avoid confusion, but not so much as to overwhelm. For instance, if there are other documents that back up your policies (ie. Group Insurance handbooks, or Retirement plans) which provide extensive detail - don't try to include all of that information in your handbook. Instead, offer a brief summary and refer to the other document(s) as being available for expanded reference.

The actual policies in an Employee Handbook will vary from company to company, depending upon its size, number of employees, the benefits offered and the nature of the business.

Regardless of the size or complexity of your business, whether you have one employee or one hundred, it is to your advantage to have your company's policies clearly outlined and in writing.

Note: In legal disputes, unless otherwise stated, courts have considered an Employee Handbook to be a contractual obligation, so word it carefully. In addition, employment standards vary by province and state. It is recommended that your legal counsel review your Employee Handbook prior to its distribution amongst your employees.

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Top 7 Reasons To Have An Employee Handbook/Policy Manual
  1. Written policies create uniformity and help prevent disputes.
  2. It is a way to document the expectations and obligations of both management and staff.
  3. It will help you and your management team save time. Formal policies eliminate the need to be answering the same questions from employees - over and over again.
  4. Thinking about the messages that you want your employees to have regarding your business, and distributing those messages can improve leadership, and help keep the business on track with its mission.
  5. A handbook is a way to think through and communicate the company's plan as it pertains to safety issues, as well as the company's response to emergency situations, protecting the company and the safety of it’s employees.
  6. Written policies, consistently enforced, can help avoid legal disputes later on down the road. A well prepared and enforced handbook can ward off accusations of favoritism; it also provides clear guidance on the company's position against discrimination / misbehavior / harassment and provides procedures to handle any such violations.
  7. An Employee Handbook also provides a good way to communicate that information which the business is legally obligated to provide to its employees as outlined according to its local government provincial / state employment legislation.
What's Your Policy?
Be Consistent.
Go By The Book.

Your Company's Employee Handbook!

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Let Gateway Publishing help you put your policies in writing

We have a library of over 50 common employment policies. Simply select those policies you want to include. Customize them to your specifications and industry standards.

Example: Full-time employees with over 1 year of service will be entitled to:
Select one: 2 weeks (ten days) of paid vacation
3 weeks (fifteen days)
4 weeks (twenty days)

And we'll do the rest!

We can format your company logo on the front cover...

Or choose from our standard front cover designs...

Include a Company History or Your Mission Statement.
It's Your Book. Customize it However You Like.

We will print as few as 2 copies - as many as 1000+ plastic spiral bound and delivered to your door usually within 3 business days, upon approval of proof.

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So What Will It Cost?

Pricing Examples
·40 policies + 6 custom intro pages - 25 Copies = $ 291.00
·40 policies + 6 custom intro pages - 50 Copies = $ 312.00

That Includes:

- Choosing from Gateway's library of policies - customizing each with your company name and selected input.
- Your logo and company name incorporated onto the laminated front cover.
- Plastic spiral bound - your choice of 45 different colors
- Includes (1) Proof copy provided for your review prior to printing.

- Does not include courier cost for proof or delivery of finished books to your door.

Well worth the investment to provide you with consistency and peace of mind!

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